There are two ways to create a specification item on the Specs & Selections:
A) Create your own Specification item.
- Click on the “New” button at the top left of the specs & selections page.
- Select “Specification” from the drop down.
- Fill out any relevant information in the specification info, client info and partner info fields.
- If you're tracking your budget in CoConstruct, add the relevant costs for the specification item using "Add cost line".
- Click the “Add item” button at the bottom to save your changes and return you to the main Specs & Selections page.
B) Copy a Specification item from a template.
- Click on the “New” button at the top left of the specs & selections page.
- Select "Copy from Spec/Selection Template" from the drop down.
- Select correct template and which Specification items you would like to add to the project.
- Select "Copy items to project"
- To edit the specifications, use the "Edit" link at the top right of each item.