How can I create multiple copies of one selection item for a project?

How can I create multiple copies of one selection item for a project?

Megan Sullivan

Some builders may want multiple copies of a selection (such as having a sink selection item for the master bath, one for the powder room, guest bath, etc.) on their project's specs & selections without having to manually retype the information for each one.

Here are a few options for handling this:

1. In the upper left corner of the Specs & Selections page you can select "New" > "Copy items from Spec/Selection template." It will then allow you to select which item(s) you want to copy and also select how many of each you want using the dropdown list.  Once you have the desired number of copies on your selection sheet, you can change any names or details necessary to create unique selection items by clicking "Edit" on each item.



2. Right now it is not possible to create duplicates of an item within your Spec/Selection template. Instead, once you have created a selection item, say for the master bath sink, you can copy and paste its information into a new sink selection using the New > Selection link at the top. That way, you at least don't have to retype that same info multiple times. Then when copying items to new projects, you can pick and choose the selections you need.

Note: Once you have created a project with multiple selections customized for each room/scenario, you can turn that into a new Spec/Selection template to use on future projects.  You'll go to Templates > Specs/Selections and choose the option in the upper left for +New Template > Copy from Existing Project.